Denizen Script Language Explanations

Language Explanations explain components of Denizen in a more direct and technical way than The Beginner's Guide.

Showing 1 out of 82 language explanations...
NameThe Player and NPC Arguments
DescriptionThe "player:<player>" and "npc:<npc>" arguments are special meta-arguments that are available for all commands, but are only useful for some.
They are written like:
- give stick player:<server.flag[some_player]>
- sit npc:<entry[save].created_npc>

Denizen tracks a "linked player" and a "linked NPC" in queues and the commands within.
Many commands automatically operate on the linked player/NPC default or exclusively
(for example, "give" defaults to giving items to the linked player but that can be changed with the "to" argument,
"sit" exclusively makes the linked NPC sit, and that cannot be changed except by the global NPC argument).

When the player argument is used, it sets the linked player for the specific command it's on.
This is only useful for commands that default to operating on the linked player.
This can also be useful with the "run" command to link a specific player to the new queue.

The NPC argument is essentially equivalent to the player argument, but for the linked NPC instead of the linked player.

These arguments will also affect tags (mainly "<player>" and "<npc>") in the same command line (regardless of argument order).
If you need to use the original player/NPC in a tag on the same line, use the define command to track it.

You can also modify the linked player or NPC for an entire queue using the fake-definitions '__player' and '__npc', for example:

- foreach <server.players> as:__player:
    - narrate "Hi <> isn't it nice how the player is linked here"
GroupScript Command System